This Notice describes how medical information about your child may be used and disclosed by New Horizons Solutions, Inc.™ and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

Privacy Policy New Horizons Solutions, Inc.Your Child’s Health Information

Your child’s patient health information is confidential and protected by law. Patient health information may include information regarding the child’s symptoms, test results, treatment, diagnosis, and related medical information.

How Health Information is Used

Health information is used to provide treatment, to obtain payment, and to conduct health care operations such as evaluation of the quality of care received by patients. Under some circumstances, described below, the law allows health information to be used or disclosed even without the individual’s permission.

Examples of Treatment, Payment, and Health Care Operations

Treatment: Health information is used to provide medical treatment or services and to determine the most appropriate course of care. The information may be disclosed to health care providers, such as physicians, clinical laboratories, school health systems, and pharmacists, so they may provide the individual with treatment.

Payment: Health information is used to obtain payment for health care services. For example, insurance companies information may require information about proposed treatment before they will authorize payment.

Health Care Operations: Health information is used to conduct health care operations, so that records may be properly administered, the quality of care may be evaluated, and outcomes may be assessed.

Other Uses and Disclosures

Sometimes health information may be used or disclosed for other reasons, even without the patient’s consent. Subject to certain requirements, health information may be disclosed without permission for the following purposes:

  • Required by Law: Certain laws may require reports of gunshot wounds, suspected abuse or neglect, or similar injuries and events.
  • Public Health Activities: Reports may be required to disclose vital statistics, diseases, information related to recalls of dangerous products, and similar information to public health authorities.
  • Health oversight: Information may have to be disclosed to assist in audits and investigations by government programs and agencies.
  • Subpoenas and judicial proceedings: Information may have to be disclosed in response to an appropriate subpoena or court order.
  • Law enforcement: Information may be required by law enforcement officials, subject to certain restrictions.
  • Deaths: Information regarding deaths may be disclosed to coroners, medical examiners, funeral directors, and organ donation agencies.
  • Serious threat to health or safety: If necessary, information may be used and disclosed to prevent a serious threat to the health and safety of the public or another person.
  • Military and Special Government Functions: Information about armed forces personnel may be disclosed as required by military command authorities. Information may also be disclosed to correctional institutions or for national security purposes.
  • Research: Information may be used or disclosed for approved medical research.
  • Workers Compensation: Information may be disclosed for workers compensation or similar programs providing benefits for work-related injuries or illness.

Unless the individual objects, health information may be shared with family members and other caregivers.